EU Programme: Intelligent Energy for Europe (IEE)

Inteligent Energy Europe

Project EIE/05/205/SI2.419687

Commercial Finance for Sustainable Energy Projects (CF-SEP)

About Project

On 1st of January 2006 EKSERGIJA started to implement the long-term (18 months) EU programme “Intelligent Energy – Europe” international project “Commercial Finance for Sustainable Energy projects” in Lithuania.

The main action aims to overcome the disconnection between project developers with plausible energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy sources (RES) projects and financial institutions (FIs) resulting in substantial expansion of availability of commercial lending and number of concrete implemented EE and RES projects. Banks need to learn more about the assessment of the risk associated with EE and RES projects and ways to its mitigation. Developers on the other hand need assistance as far as orientation in the financial market and project preparation to the bankable stage is concerned.

Project goals:

There were five participating countries: The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The project was partially financed by the European Commission, co-financing also provided the International Finance Corporation (IFC).

List of Participants

Participant name

Project web site


SEVEn*, Stredisko pro efektivni vyuzivani energie, o.p.s.
Czech Republic
Joint Stock Company Eksergija Lithuania
Energy Center Bratislava Slovakia
Ekodoma Latvia
OÜ Energiasäästubüroo Estonia
* Co-ordinator

Achieved Project Results

Market Analysis (WP 2):

Development of Projects (WP 3):

Bank Training (WP 4):

Best Practice Dissemination (WP 5):

In the long-term perspective the achievable results are:

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